Robocup Awards Ceremony and Symposium

After the Robocup awards ceremony, Robocup Eindhoven threw a pretty awesome party. The food was great and plentiful, the drinks free-flowing, and the music fun.  Katie spent some time with her team, but also spent some good time with rUNSWift, Bowdoin, and SPQR.
However, this post is mainly about the symposium, which was the next day.  Katie’s team had two posters at the symposium, which they had to attend to at every break.  Katie had some great discussions with a few people, which made the symposium worth her time. B-Human also gave an interesting talk on one of their kick engines.  The trustees decided to announce the best paper (which ended up being 3 papers?!) with a champaign toast. Overall, this Robocup had far more free alcohol than any other Robocup (or conference) Katie has been to.
All in all, and especially ignoring the space issues, Eindhoven did a great job. Duncan, the SPL local organizer, also did an amazing job with our league.
Katie is enjoying becoming more involved in her league, and on helping shape its future.  She felt really good when two top people in the league said she did a great job with the league this year, and offered to nominate her for TC next year.  She is pleased and honored to be the new TC chair, and is seriously looking forward to Robocup 2014 in Brazil! 🙂

HTWK (2nd), B-Human (1st), and Austin Villa (3rd) at the awards ceremony.

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